Originally Posted by WhateverDude
****ty assfukk of a day at work. got wasted on the way home. sobered up. walk my beautiful, sweetheart of a dog for 2.5hours at the beach. came home. plowed so much boozes. wondered and graffittied evverything and anything from 9th and Irving to the Castro... pretty sure i ****ed my cab driver in the mouth, at least. She was beyond horny. Pretty sure I had sex with a trans cab driver. IDC, she blew me like she meant it and I'm just happy to bust a nut in someone's hand that ain't mine (ick,yep, deal with it).
lol one of the sleaziest things maybe ever posted here?? cmon bro
great weekend. bachelor party at the borgata. went crazy all weekend with some old friends. lots of dirty jokes and laughs. gamblings, drinks, etc. what a glorious weekend