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Old 05-10-2014, 06:23 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Moss View Post
I dont think GG was ever really about the music. I personally wont attend a show where getting struck with feces is a distinct possibility. The guy had guts though.
^ Never really thought it through but as of now I`m going to adopt that as a policy too. Thank you, Moss.

I can`t presume to have an opinion about G.G.Allin as I`ve never heard a word or note of his obras de arte and am not planning to do so for the moment. However, I was intrigued enough to wiki him, and thought the following ranked as possibly the most extraordinary combination of farce and tragedy I`ve ever read :-

Spoiler for circumstances of G.G.`s death:

According to wikipedia:-
GG Allin's last show was on June 27, 1993 at a small club called The Gas Station, a punk venue located inside of a former gas station at 194 E 2nd Street in Manhattan. During the second song, the power went out, after which he trashed the venue, walked across the street entirely naked, and then continued on (now wearing shorts, but still covered in blood and feces) through the neighborhood, followed by a large group of fans.

After walking the streets for almost an hour, Allin eventually went to the apartment of John Handley. There, he and others continued to party and use drugs. Sometime during the evening, Allin ingested large amounts of heroin, on which he accidentally overdosed and slipped into an unconscious state. Those in the apartment posed for photos with Allin around 2:00 am, not realizing that the musician was already in the early stages of respiratory failure. Sometime in the early morning of June 28, Allin died from the effects of his accidental heroin overdose. The next morning, some noticed that Allin still lay motionless in the same place where they had left him and called for an ambulance. Allin was pronounced dead at the scene. He was 36 years old.
If you put those details into a novel or film -about the naked, post-concert stroll and the party-goers posing unknowingly alongside a dying man - you`d be accused of going OTT for dramatic effect, I`m sure.
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