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Old 05-09-2014, 05:16 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
Its not exactly abu ghraib and the taliban are human trash but the only problem I really havevwith it is the possible response by the taliban
I'm not saying this doesn't happen or that I have any sympathy for the Taliban --- I don't. Nor do I think that were the positions reversed the same would not happen. Difference is THEY would post it on Al Jazeera and boast about it. The British don't want this coming out, so why the **** take a picture? What do they say: take a picture, it'll last longer? It's true. Once this is out there there is no taking it back, and yes the Taliban are human trash as you say (though using the word human is maybe being a little kind) but the Coalition or wtf they call themselves these days are trying to win hearts and minds and they won't do it this way. It just drags them down to the insurgents' level.

BTW, when did "insurgent" become a word we use? What's wrong with "terrorist", ffs???
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