Originally Posted by Tristesse
You misunderstood my post realtalk. Let me clarify:
Don't act like you understand what it's like to be a white person if you aren't, it's laughably hypocritical and makes your post one big contradiction.
I am not trying to act like I understand what it is like to be "white". I am specifically speaking from my own experiences as well as the experiences of African American so not sure why you got that from my post.
A White person will never understand what it feels like to be stared at the mall because someone thinks you are going to steal something.
How is that acting like I "understand" what it is like to be white when I am talking about the experiences of African American/minorities?
Originally Posted by Tristesse
"an average looking white woman do not have to worry about being called beautiful by Western society"
Why the **** you think that you know what white women worry about is beyond me. Of course they worry about being beautiful, this kind of stereotyping makes you as bad as the people you are complaining about.
ONCE AGAIN, Why do you assume that I think I know that when I am talking about African American women?
Western culture glorifies average looking white women as beautiful or African American women who are light skin who have European features. Are you honestly saying this is not true???
This is a well known observation that has been going on since the beginning of time and no I am sorry but I am not going to "sugar coat" the truth for you.
White woman do not have to worry about some of the issues African American women have to worry about and yes it can go vice versa but I am clearly and specifically talking about the black/minority experience so not sure why you keep arguing I am trying to understand what it is like to be "white" because that was not the point of my post and it is sad that you did not get the point.
It is nothing bad about pointing out stereotypes and representations that reflect/symbolize prejudice attitudes.