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Old 11-28-2005, 03:30 PM   #26 (permalink)
hookers with machineguns
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by cherrychic
what do u think about your government?
(i know the one in the U.S sucks)
do you think that they're interfering with the music industry?
how would you express your feelings toward the gov.?
what are some punk rock ways you would deal with them?
"What do you think about your government?" Too vague. Certain aspects of our government work well. Other aspects are very difficult to fine tune or in some cases understand fully. Anarchy, to me, is not plausible. I've had this debate before, and it went nowhere.

"Do you think that they're interfering with the music industry?"
Well they "interfere" with just about everything. I don't really care what's selling or getting censored on the radio. Good music is always going to be sitting there being neglected, waiting to be discovered.

"How would you express your feelings toward the gov.?"
There's something called voting. That's the whole point of democracy.

"What are some punk rock ways you would deal with them?"
I would get a anarchy patch pre-ordered from Hot Topic and put them on my bookbag next to my F*ck Bush and Sex Pistols buttons, surrounded by a well thought out design of old belt studs and safety pins. Maybe I'll graffitti tag city hall or kick over a trash can too. So many punkin' possibilities.
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