So, this topic seems to come up for me a lot in the last 6 months with various people and I thought I would just throw it out there, and see what comes back.
Personally, I feel like racism is a thing of the past (In the USA.) Now before you jump down my throat and tell me I am psychotic, hear me out.
I feel personally, that honestly no one gives a sh*t about the color of your skin, that is not to say that there are not a few Klansman roaming about, and some Neo-Nazis because for me to say they are not still out there would be just naive. But I am not going to waste my time arguing with the entire state of West Virgina, I am sorry I am just not gonna do it.
I feel like in 2014 the only color that matters to people is
green. This is racism 2.0. The haves and the have nots. That is not to say that black people, and other 'minorities' haven't been pushed into ghettos throughout history. Because they have but that just throws them into the category of the have nots.
And that is not a skin color issue, it's a wealth issue.Given the choice between a nice 5 bed room home in suburbia and the 2 bedrooom slum in the projects there isn't a person I know that would say I'll take this sh*t box thank you! The issue is not having the means to make it out. Money talks and bullsh*t walks, and if you have the money to buy that nice 5 bedroom dream house in the burbs there isn't anything about your race, or creed that could possibly bar you from getting in.
That being said, I ask myself why, 'my people', black people (I am just light skinned ppl don't get it twisted it's all sistah all day behind these green eyes.) get riled up over the 1950's playbook that our grandparents had handed to them. Not a black person under 60 knows what it was like to be beaten in the streets, hit with fire hoses, have dogs sicked on them, or lynched. And there most certainly isn't a black person living or dead that I know that knows what it is like to be kidnapped from their home and chained ass to ankle in a cargo ships and made to pick cotton, and serve the white man. I ask myself why we as a culture are so blinded to the fact this happened to our grandparents, and great great grandparents. That war is over, our great great grandparents,and grandparents paved that road, with blood, sweat and tears so that we as a culture can have what we have today. But I wonder exactly who will pave the road for my children, and their children to be considered equal in monetary fashion. Meaning, better education, better job opportunities, which leads to more cash in the back pocket which will take them right to that 5 bed room home if that's what they desire. Because no one, no matter the color should be looked at as less than because of what they have.

Ok I am done!

But honestly I want feedback if you got it.