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Old 11-28-2005, 11:13 AM   #15 (permalink)
They call me Tundra Boy
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Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Of course cause the goverment is stalking bands approving everything they say and editing it

The only time anything is censored is because its mainstream and its censored by the record label not the goverment freaking out cause the band said fuck america.
Look, I don't know what level you're trying to look at this from but I'd like to get deeper into it, not get all blase and say the government has no planned effect on music and likewise not get into crazy "We're all being subliminally influenced by 50 cent" paranoia. Governments affect how they fund the arts, governments may have some effect over which music shows are broadcast, when and which channels. They can have large impact on the availability of live music, rehearsal and performance provisions etc. in different areas. Governments can't make bands write certain songs and not others*, but they can influence what types of bands are around and therefore what type of musical scene is going on in any one place.

For example, everywhere I've lived I've been aware of much more funding being put into 'high' culture (theatre, orchestras and musical theatre, even though musicals are rubbish) by councils than is invested in providing venues for rock bands or rock nights. Care to discuss?

*(Unless they're commies... ah those commies)
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