@ Roxy: Thank you, that was indeed very enlightening. And I would agree you're probably right about the fear element; sort of like all those "mourning" the death of Kim Jong-Il on telly. I'm sure most of them were delighted to see the back of him but were scared to show it publicly.
Nevertheless, I think that if a country wants to accept or ask for financial aid from other countries they need to be prepared to "play by the rules" as it were. You can't expect to get money from other nations if you're a dictatorship or a repressive society, and just in the same way I don't believe any government that would enact such a cruel and hateful law should be rewarded with aid. I know I wouldn't want to know I was helping to finance the imprisonment, trial, persecution and exclusion and, who knows, maintenance of secret death squads, of homosexuals.
@ Franco: man I have no idea what you're saying. Are you agreeing or disagreeing?