Originally Posted by Circe
There's not really any good outcome in this scenario. Simply cutting off foreign aid to Uganda is going to cut off important help for a country devastated by war and poverty. While I don't particularly enjoy the idea of handing aid to a corrupt and cruel regime I'd rather send it to them than leave the country to slowly collapse from the inside, particularly as said aid gives the west significant influence over the Ugandan government that has already pushed them into downgrading the punishment from death to imprisonment. As for somehow magically changing the Ugandan people's attitude, I doubt it's possible. You're talking about a society that crosses a lack of education, a staunchly patriarchal and conservative outlook, a rotting influence from a couple of statements in a holy book that may actually have been a translation error in the first place, the legacy of a colonialist power that treated the lives of Ugandans with total contempt and an authoritarian government looking for scapegoats and propaganda targets to hide their ineptitude and score some brownie points with the disturbing 'traditional values' bloc that seems to be emerging in the world.
What do you expect guys. You have people acting they are for gay-rights. I am Christian but I don't want all my beliefs into law. After all, not everyone is Christian. You should pray if you hate homosexuality. PRAY. Not attack. It is not happening because Uganda as well as Rwanda are good for US and the west. What the **** you expect. They say they are gay rights but they go to the countries that hate gays. My pastor even says that this law is evil. Why go and kill gays. For what. I love my America but when we are going to focus on our country. We have issues here and we focus on nonsense ****s like Uganda (who are mostly Tutsi, so not surprise). Museveni and Kagame are homosexuals themselves. They are the ones who support child rape (which here can be jail time unless you're rich). I am pleading to my people to top supporting these whores and let them solve their issues. Museveni has been **** and will be **** for a long time to come. He is not worth ****. He wants money and people to rape for his own miserable enjoyment. Uganda and Rwanda are nothing but US and the West rely so much on them especially military. Cutting aid to Uganda is not going to happen until we stop kissing their asses as well as Rwanda and focus on our country.
The problem with Franco Pepe Kalle is that he is a unpredictable character. There is surprising info about this man. You think he only likes Franco and Pepe Kalle but when you find out that he hears other artists, you are shock.
Girls are the sexy thing that God created.
Important to notice FPK.