The circle at the intersection of the cross represents the sun in the middle of the circle of the zodiac. The sun nailed to the cross is a piece of God-Consciousness trapped in matter—the body. The crosses above represent our present spiritual condition.

The Chi-Rho cross is the original Christian cross so called because it utilizes the first two letters of “Christos” in the Greek alphabet. Its X form came from the intersection of the celestial equator (earth’s equator projected into the sky) and the ecliptic (the sun’s apparent path through the sky). On the vernal equinox, spring was said to begin as the sun passed through this intersection as shown below. Hence, in the spring, Christ the sun is crucified on the cross and his blood (the sun’s rays) flow to the earth and rejuvenate the soil.

The origin of the Chi-Rho cross--the intersection between the celestial equator and the ecliptic plane which announce the arrival of spring and fall.

The Chi-Rho cross as seen from earth.

The intersection forms an X and the sun is represented by the P which is our R which is the letter of healing and so we can rearrange the Chi-Rho cross into the pharmaceutical symbol which means “to take”.

The church steeple is derived from the obelisks of Ancient Egypt. The obelisk represents the Egyptian sun god Amen-Re. They are phallic in nature because the sun was thought of as a divine phallus impregnating Mother Earth and making her fecund. The Biblical Research Institute insists vehemently that the steeple has no connection to Egyptian obelisks, that they would have been reviled as evil by Christians, but they fail to mention the obelisk that appears in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican (above). It is a 13th century BC obelisk brought from Egypt to Rome in the 1st century. Its corners are aligned to the four directions and the four seasons making it an axis mundi or center around which the universe revolves. By universe, the Church of old meant the zodiac.

A satellite view of the Vatican obelisk showing implicitly another view of the Chi-Rho cross--an x with the obelisk or sun in the center. In this case, the four directions are represented here--the two solstices and the two equinoxes.