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Old 04-26-2014, 12:38 PM   #4303 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem View Post
You were, actually. Otherwise your body would have not begun preparing itself to make babies. But the fact you grew up somewhere that places heavy importance on the innocence of 'children', and probably think animals are inferior, makes it difficult for you to understand the logic.
Yeah, I get it.
You're needing to make the distinction between body and mind.
Your body has reached a stage of development where it is ready to experience sexual activity although the progress of cognitive learning is not always the same speed as that of the bodies.
Some girls although they are physically equipped and capable of sex are simply not ready for the mental implications of becoming sexually active.

If a nine year old were to have their first period (although it seems highly unlikely) they would be equipped for the physical side of sex.
Since everyone progresses at different mental stages, it could take until she's 20+ to be mentally mature enough for sex or it could be 10 years old.

16 is an age where most should have undergone the necessary bodily and cognitive development in order to be sexually active, so I think it's more than fine especially if you live in a society where sexual intercourse is perfectly legal.

Also, I'd like to add. Carpe I like the cut of your mustard, you come across strong minded and intelligent yet you don't aggressively push your views on others. I like that.

Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post

Im all for sexual freedom, be happy and gay if that is your thing but im a little repulsed by it as well, i watched velvet goldmine cringing
Before anyone wants to give you a hard time, if I remember right, you're from the Caribbean right?
Different culture, society and values guys. Don't flame him over this.
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