Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus
If I accidentally stumble across gay porn I just react "oh, ick" and move on. But if someone is grossed out by it I'm not going to run straight to the conclusion that the person is a homophobe unless they believe their sexuality is inherently bad and wrong and they are wicked evil people for maintaining their sexuality.
Their *is* such a thing as inherently sick and wrong sexuality, I.e. pedophilia.
I see where you're coming from. A straight man being grossed out by gay porn isn't necessarily also gonna be of the opinion that same sex couples shouldn't have the right to their sexuality or whatever. But I think James point is repulsion is pretty strong to be fair.
I don't watch gay (male) porn, because I'm straight. Why would I? I don't get lesbian porn either to be perfectly honest because again, I'm straight. As I'm attracted to women, I'd watch the lesbian porn if I was made to choose for some reason, but I've often found it quite weird as well that some straight men would react so colourfully to the thought of two dudes ****ing yet happily watch women **** all day long.