Originally Posted by ladyislingering
How can a man not recognize if a girl has a "baby face"? It's pretty easy to tell if a girl is just a girl, a young girl, NOT a sexual object. Men will just blame it on the fact that they're men (which is somehow acceptable - nobody really knows why it's "ok" for men to be so gross all the time). Maybe it's just super low standards; I don't know. Either way, gross. Little girls shouldn't be fetishized. Ever.
There's a huge difference between knowing a young lady is pretty and popping a boner over a little girl. You can tell the pervs from the decent people based on which route their mind takes.
(I work with this girl who's a few years younger than me and she's obsessed with One Direction. I don't even know who they are; I've never cared about boy bands, even when I was a little girl. Youths aren't worth the time of a lady.)
I'm pretty sure I covered this. Plenty of younger women have physical attributes that are considered sexually attractive. It would be bizarre for a man to not notice this given the biological imperative to mate with females of breeding age. But in general I'm not really attracted to these girls on any great level. Like you say a sixteen year old may very have a "baby face" that does nothing for me, but that doesn't mean her C-cup isn't gonna draw my eye. Can't help it. Boobs are nice. What can ya do?
And we're not talking about being a sexual predator. I would never have any desire to have any kind of relationship with a sixteen year old. Or an eighteen year old for that matter. Or a twenty year old. Or even your average twenty two year old. (Edit: though I would certainly bang some eighteen-to-twenty-two year olds) Even apart from the emotional damage I might inflict I just have no desire to spend time with people that young, which definitely affects how attractive I find them. Still... boobs.
American cultural conditioning also plays a role though. Having a sexual relationship with an eighteen year old, while not something that interests me in any kind of long term way, still doesn't sound totally morally repulsive, while even having sex with a sixteen year old does give me some squeezy feelings. It'd probably be different if I was European though.
P.S. And claiming to be repulsed by men is garbage. If you were a guy and turned "men" into "women", then this entire forum would probably have come down on you like a sack of bricks. So cut the sexist, generallizing bull****.