you bring up a great point, in other cultures this isn't a big deal, to us this may be frowned upon because we were raised with these morals but other cultures don't see it that way.
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah
I always assumed, that its just the hard wiring of the male brain.
Men are visual creatures, I can't really blame them if they see someone they like and get turned on,they are not really in control of that. It's as unconscious as the beat of a heart
What they choose to do when they find out the age of their object of desire is a totally different thing.
^ this.
i honestly wish more females thought like you, all Men aren't scum because we are attracted to the female body, that might catch our eye but it doesn't mean we'll pursue any action.
i personally don't give a f*ck how hot a girl is if i don't like her personality or respect her
and a 14 yr old girl doesn't stimulate my brain in anyway, just thinking about being in a relationship with one feels icky, idk how some guys like that.