Originally Posted by ladyislingering
Because they are little girls. They're high school sophomores. They worry about boys, math tests, shoes, and whether or not mom will make them do the dishes after school. They're little girls and they need to be protected from disgusting creeps who think they're bangworthy.
your opinion is wrong.
16 year old girls are about one thing and it begins with a D.
On a more serious note, it's cultural differences. You're considered old enough for consent in Spain at 13.
Society wouldn't see it as wrong for a 27 year old to bang a 14 year old.
Parts of Africa don't have a legal consent age and anything goes.
Are they wrong because they are culturally different to you? Do those african girls worry about shoes, boys and math tests?
The world does not begin and end with how conservatives in the United States view life.