i wouldn't judge you if you were, i have plenty of friends who are lolicons
For the most part i agree with you, but i think finding them sexually attractive has no harm if you're not trying to actually sleep with them.
Over here guys think they're slick parking their cars in front of the highschools so all the teenage girls go crazy for them, but i think that is too easy, it's easy to win these young girls over but usually their main intention is to just use that developing body of hers.
And young girls tend to be attracted to older guys making this even more easier, but i don't think it's right because i feel it's taking advantage of them, why are they seeking girls instead of women their own age? why not seek a partner with your same kind of maturity instead of a girl you can easily fool?
It seems like a daddy complex from both sides. from the older guys that seek young girls, and the girls that seek older men.