Originally Posted by Vanilla
Me too! I have one from my late granddad which he wrote in German and English. I have a whole shoe box full of letters from my friends during high school. I read them sometimes and laugh at how simple my life was! I also occasionally write in diaries. I read through some older ones and there was a period where I was seriously depressed.
I wish I would have kept my journals. Instead I spent years and years and handfuls of drugs and gallons of liquor to repress everything I would have written in them.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
I used to do that until I realized that it was like keeping the wrapping paper intact and then folding it neatly when opening a Christmas present. My family told me to do that as a kid, but they're obviously idiots.
I do that still, but I'm just one of those types that's really weird about destroying things (even when I mean to destroy them).