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Old 04-23-2014, 01:32 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dwill123 View Post
Haha this record is staring me in the face right now, sitting on top of my record player across the room. +1 for this suggestion.

Someone also mentioned Drive. Great soundtrack. Big throwback to Tangerine Dream, which was involved in the Risky Business soundtrack *also great*

Most Tarantino movies have amazing soundtracks. I like epic pieces, so the soundtracks (maybe just mostly themes, actually) from movies like The Godfather, Scarface, spaghetti westerns, anything Hans Zimmer, and a lot of Studio Ghibli productions appeal to me.

Vengo was a movie with a great soundtrack, though it was focused on Flamenco, so that's expected.

Midnight in Paris (and Amelie, for that matter) is another that comes to mind. Gotta love an accordion-filled OST in romantic movies!
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Para mi la vida es un sueƱo
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