The way its looking my predictions might include 3 wild cards winning their series. Damn. The west is going to be awesome I can't wait.
EDIT: I was also at the oiler game last night for Ryan smyths last game. The most emotional hockey game I've ever been to by a long shot. Probably means nothing to anyone here but he really was my generation's oiler and the tributes/standing o's and such were outstanding. Just an unreal showing all around. Even the Canucks came back on the ice and individually gave him handshakes and hugs and stuff. He was also on the ice for like 95% of the powerplays in the game which was awesome (he ended up being tied for the franchise record for ppgs). Dang I'm crying just thinking about it.. they better retire his number
Last edited by Ninetales; 04-13-2014 at 12:35 PM.