Originally Posted by Black Francis
At the risk of being ridiculised, i'll share this honest confession.
Sometimes i feel invincible around here, Like i don't really matter here,
i try my best to be acknowledged around here, to try and participate in the threads and whatnot but i feel only a few ppl look my way, like DJ and Roxy at least i feel acknowledge with them.
idk sometimes i say something and no one cares and then another guy basically says the same thing and everybody responds to him
And it's not i want alot of attention i just want to feel acknowledged around here, believe it or not i have alot of respect for some members here and i feel like yelling to them "Notice me Senpai!!" but im afraid to do it.
But i can't blame MB for this, You all seem to be besties and talk with each other no problem, so the problem must be me, either ppl don't really know me enough yet or they don't care. (im guessing the 2nd one)
maybe im being over dramatic (as usual) but idk if i'll ever feel truly accepted here.
Aww bb, you're not ignored. You are quite outgoing and you seem to not be bothered what others say, well, until now. Unfortunately forums can be like a snake pit sometimes!