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Thread: Monolord
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Old 04-10-2014, 06:10 AM   #1 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Default Monolord


Monolord are a Swedish doom band who released their debut LP this year on 1st April. I was fortunate enough to get a promo copy a few months ago and fell in love with it. I was so excited for it to be released and see just how it takes off cause I can't help but feel it has real potential to catch on.

Empress Rising is not very original, first and foremost. They arent reinventing the wheel or bringing anything new to the table. But what they are doing is making fantastic, loyal, brutal sludge/doom metal that should give fans of Sleep and Electric Wizard a new band and record to obsess over.

Empress Rising

The record seems to be drawing a lot of comparisons to Dopesmoker and Witchcult Today, and has a frankly insane, sickening low-end rumble that Wizard love so much that is so devastating it would make even Jus Osborn crap his pants.

I can't wait to see if these guys manage to get a UK tour booked, and given the hype surrounding the record and it's impressive pre-order success on Easy Rider, I have a feeling I wont have to wait long.

Album stream at Decibel

Last.FM | Echoes and Dust
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