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Old 04-04-2014, 05:28 PM   #1 (permalink)
silky smooth
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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  1. What were your VERY FIRST impressions on listening to the album, say from the first five minutes in (first time)?

    Solid production, decently catchy, but I hate the vocalist and how simple all the dance beats/synths are. Nothing is catching my attention at all.

  2. Did your first impressions change, i.e., did the album get better or worse as you listened to it (first time)?

    Not really, the album is WAAAAAAAY WAY WAY WAY WAY TOO LONG. This is a point I will probably be stressing in the rest of the questions too.

  3. Which was stronger in your opinion, the opening tracks (first 2-3 songs), or the ending tracks (last 2-3 songs)?

    The songs were so uninteresting and similar that I honestly cannot differentiate any of the songs off the top of my head in any way. Also this is the most pointlessly long album I've ever heard. Just thought I'd mention that again.

  4. On repeated listens (if you did so), did you find you liked the album more, or less? Feel free to be very detailed if you like.

    I don't really want to listen to it again tbh :/

    (Mostly because of the length)

  5. What is your favorite track from the album, if you have one?

    "King of Lullaby" was pretty solid, actually.

  6. What is your least favorite track from the album, if you have one?

    "One Goal" might be one of the worst songs I've ever heard.

  7. Did you change your favorite or least favorite track as you listened to the album?

    No, I knew pretty much right away that "One Goal" was really, really bad and that "King of Lullaby" was one of the most interesting, solid tracks I was gonna get.
  8. How would you describe the variety of tracks available on this album? Feel free to be very detailed if you like.

    Oh god, there basically is no variety whatsoever. Be ready for some of the most cookie cutter boyband electropop you've ever heard.

  9. What is the overall mood on this album?

    Um, dance-y
  10. Is this an album you would listen to again all the way through (for personal, recreational use, outside of listening to it for this club), or are there just a few songs that you would listen to?

    I don't plan on listening to this again the whole way through ever again for the rest of my life.

  11. How well do you already know the band/artist?

    Not at all besides "Blue (Da Ba Dee)".

  12. If you are familiar with this band/artist, how would you compare this album to any of their earlier/later material?


  13. Do you see any way the album could have been improved?

    Get Lauren Mayberry to sing instead. Come up with more interesting melodies, use anything besides the most basic foundational trance synths that exist.

  14. Would you recommend this album to others?

    Not unless they really enjoy simple dance music.

  15. Are you interested in listening to more albums by this band?


  16. What sub-genre, if any, would you assign this music to?

    Dance pop.

  17. Your overall album rating on a scale of 1-10 (whole numbers please. Also, please BOLD or otherwise make this rating easy to see)?

    3/10 is the best I can do.

9-Time Winner of MusicBanter's "Most Qualified to be a Moderator" Award

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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