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Old 08-02-2004, 10:12 PM   #196 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Sierra Vista, AZ, USA
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by ffmariners
I would love to find a person who doesnt slack off at work.

GW does it at his ranch, and I bet his wife ****s him there. So all of a sudden the President can not have sexual desire or time off?

And where you say JFK was not great, you have no support of that. And once again, you completely ignore part of it - Thomas Jefferson. Tell me, was he not a great president, too? I am sorry, but ones fidelity to their wife does not mirror their achievements in office.

I don't think the content of this message really needs to be tolerated here, let it be heard.

Why does GW have a setup for his cabinet at his ranch? Why does he do a lot of communication from his ranch? Why did Clinton goto Camp David all the time?
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