Originally Posted by Janszoon
I don't see how him being a working musician makes him noteworthy on a site dedicated to talking about working musicians.
Fair point, but all im trying to say is, are we really in a position to look down on Travis as a musician?
At least he is has done something ya know?
There are some musicians we don't personally like so we discredit them without adding anything ourselves.
Ive done this i admit it, my ego judges other ppl who have accomplished more than me but even so the fact is Travis is adding more to this world than my ****ty insults ever will.
i don't wanna explain the obvious but once we judge ppl like we are doing him, it automatically claims a sense of superiority, like some random dude on a music forum is better than Travis just cause he thinks blink sucks.
Nah man, whether you like him or not you can't say he is a ****ty drummer because truth is he isn't you just don't like him for wthvr reason.
it's kinda like mixing your ego with facts.