Originally Posted by Neapolitan
There was a member here once who was named "asshat" and I thought you were serious. Except that person stop posting here long before you joined, so I don't thi. Its what maj you could've known him.
I've seen a lot a members pack it in only after a few days or weeks. The forum's membership is very transient. But for those who stay a while longer the forum has a variety of different personalities, some cool some are annoying. I think it is only natural for some people to form some kind of friendship or have likes and dislikes even if it is a forum. You can be at MB for recs for new bands, or discuss bands you already know. Some people are here for non-music related discussions, and other for drama... either to watch it or to start it. There are a variety of people with a variety of intentions for being here. And like the old saying goes "birds of a feather flock together." I think it natural to gravitate to the people who have similar taste in music and similar or compatible personalities. But those things like music, sports, politics, etc are just things. I think it is more important who a person is and what someone situation is in real life than what he listens to or his favorite sports team etc. I don't see nothing wrong with taking time out from all the other conversations and talk about the people you or any other member encounters here.
Fair enough and I won't lie, I drunk posted. All of these types of sites seem to devolve in some way to high school in crowd and out crowd behavior and a I guess that's to be expected. Its what makes it a community and not just a random bunch of posts. I cant really think of anyone I have come to dislike on here so I will stay out of it.