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Old 03-19-2014, 01:52 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Another thing that used to piss me off about old games and their unnecessary difficulty was the fact that you would have to start over all the way from the beginning. Until they started using codes that you had to write down with random letters/numbers. Also screw NES games that you just get to a certain level and they immediately tune up the difficulty.

How many times did you die on that stupid bike level in Battletoads!? Or the stupid swimming level in the first TMNT game. They ruined the turtles for me for awhile with that game. Don't even get me started on Ghost N Goblins. Screw those retro games and the people that idolize them with their rose colored shades. It was a horrible time. Mega Man was another horrible game that I don't think I ever beat.
Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
You sound like the kind of person who picks up Ninja Gaiden, plays it for 10 minutes, then complains it's too difficult and isn't fun and gives up. You sound like a quitter, and like you're bad at video games, doesn't mean everyone else is nor that they should share your lame opinion. While I agree the only "broken" game I can think of on NES is Ghost n Goblins, that's only because it never ends. Kid Icarus, The Legend of Kage, now those are hard games. I have never taken playing games seriously enough to get upset over them. Grow up.
I agree with both of you but I lean towards anticipation's opinion.

I don't think Ghosts n Goblins is broken just because it never ends. Definitely kind of unsatisfying though, for being so difficult.

I never let gaming get to me emotionally, even as a little kid. But they were definitely crazy frustrating and adrenalizing, to the point of smashing things. Sometimes kids would cry.

All of the best games of that era were beatable only by playing, dying, and repeating until you beat it. Sometimes that took months. But I still remember beating The Legend of Kage (possibly my favorite NES game of all) and that was still more satisfying than all my playthroughs of Fallout 3 and NV combined, for instance. I'm not saying retro games were better, but beating those games was a rite of passage.
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