Originally Posted by The Batlord
I'm totally a grinder. I don't want to move on with a game until I've maximized everything I can at any given point. I've even taken to grinding in Saint's Row by finding activities that give you lots of money and are quick and easy to do and then doing them over and over again until I have all my upgrades.
I'm not a mix/maxer like that. I like to truck through for the story. The only time I will grind is when I have to and can't beat a certain area without grinding.
Originally Posted by Black Francis
Damn that's old school
Im very ignorant when it comes to pc gaming, i didn't grow up with a computer in my household i just had a Nes, i only had ONE friend who had a computer and the only 2 games he had were Flight simulator and Doom. lol
As a console gamer ive always looked at pc gamers with a little envy, especially after seeing all the Skyrim mods and GTA mods im never gonna be able to do that on my console.
Btw, i googled Spectre VR, im a little confused, Is that weird design a computer or a game cartridge?
I know dem feels, I didn't grow up with a PC in my house either. I had some old word processor that looked like this

but never anything to really play games on until I bought my own PC in 00s and I went for MMOs. I wasn't really to hyped up to play games that were already on console for the PC. I did love the hell out of Dune 2000 that I played at my sister's place though and she had Doom and Wolfenstein.