Originally Posted by Black Francis
What was the console that got you into videogaming?
Wow, I JUST realized I never responded to you. That was a dick move and I apologize.
It was not a console that got me into gaming, it was this bad boy:
With a 4GB hard drive and two, yes, TWO floppy disk drives, this thing was a machine. It also weighed 40 lbs., and I'm being serious about the weight.
I played a lot of Dark Forces on it
Rebel Assault
and of course, the greatest computer game ever made, Spectre VR
Rebel Assault and Spectre VR required this contraption:

It's probably because of the joystick that I found consoles much more attractive than the computer, i.e., the analog sticks.
I have this exact same joystick currently on a shelf in my room gathering dust. I used to have another one, but it not-so-surprisingly broke sometime ago.
Holy ****! Spectre VR is available for the iPhone!?! I'm so buying that right now!