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Old 03-17-2014, 08:15 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Black Francis View Post
What was the console that got you into videogaming?
Wow, I JUST realized I never responded to you. That was a dick move and I apologize.

It was not a console that got me into gaming, it was this bad boy:

With a 4GB hard drive and two, yes, TWO floppy disk drives, this thing was a machine. It also weighed 40 lbs., and I'm being serious about the weight.

I played a lot of Dark Forces on it

Spoiler for DARK FORCES:

Rebel Assault


and of course, the greatest computer game ever made, Spectre VR

Spoiler for SPECTRE VR:
There's no point in me showing you pictures of this game, because...well, if you haven't heard of it, look it up for yourself. You'll see why pictures don't do it justice.

Rebel Assault and Spectre VR required this contraption:
It's probably because of the joystick that I found consoles much more attractive than the computer, i.e., the analog sticks.
I have this exact same joystick currently on a shelf in my room gathering dust. I used to have another one, but it not-so-surprisingly broke sometime ago.

Holy ****! Spectre VR is available for the iPhone!?! I'm so buying that right now!
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