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Old 03-15-2014, 11:31 AM   #3536 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Urban, thanks for the mention. Seriously. I was surprised, thought you'd pass me over or make a flippant one word comment. As for my journal, well here's the thing, as they say: I love it. I know it may not be your cup of tea but you know, someone else must like it going by the views. I know it doesn't get comments but I've got used to that by now. I'm also very much enjoying the Couch Potato, and excited about what new stuff I can bring to it (stay tuned). I'm particularly happy about that because I managed to sort of break the mould and reached beyond the obvious by introducing the idea of covering TV and film, which to my knowledge nobody had done before. Hey, even you're doing it now, though I wouldn't dream of taking credit: you were probably thinking about it for years.

I think I've improved a lot in terms of contact. I used to stay in my (at the time only one) journal, and hardly even realised there were conversations going on outside. Now, I divide my time between journals and threads. I think I've started some good, interesting, funny and also really bad ones, but I'm certainly taking part. I'm not sure why you think the journal is a millstone but I assure you it's not: when I realised that posting every day --- often three or four articles in the one day --- was killing me I tuned it down, and now as you can see I may update one or twice a week, sometimes more but not that often. it's part of me now and something that gives me a focus and something to do, and I enjoy it.

Anyway, I see through you little plan: Trollheart listens to Urban and winds up his journals, leaving the Hat€monger to move in and take over as the most popular. Not gonna happen, my friend!

But thanks: it's really, seriously, nice to know you care. The journals however will continue, and grow, till there's nothing left of Music Banter but Trollheart's journals, covering 99% of the surface of the ... ah. I may have said too much...

Oh and yeah, I've got your humour now. I understand. No offence taken; I get it.
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