Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ?
Burning Down - Seems to have come out of her shell a bit since her boyfriend joined which is a good thing. Humour isn't really her strong point though, she seems to be a bit slow on the uptake on some things. There have been several times where she's come into a thread and explained or corrected a post without realising it was supposed to be funny even though other people have clearly understood it.
I'll put it down to cultural differences.
That's happened to me a few times as well, mostly with Neapolitan. Must be the Canadian connection.
Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ?
DriveYourCarDownToTheSea - You seem like an awfully cool guy, you seem to have a good handle on music discussion, but please take this in the nicest way possible which is how it's intended and stop talking about the same 4 or 5 bands all the time. Is it really possible for you to find even more ways to post Tame Impala & Animal Collective videos in every other post? And if it's not them it's either The Beach Boys or the Beatles.
I don't say this out of hatred, I say this from having respect for your opinions and an interest in your posts. I just wish you would widen the net onto other stuff.
Drive... was posting most of those videos because I asked him for recommendations from those bands. I've seen discussions where he mentions a variety of artists, but they tend to get passed over because everyone knows him for his Beatles vs Beach Boys work. The thread he started called
Temples and Hookworms: A New Generaton of Psychedelic Adventurers has some interesting album reviews. There's a link in his signature.