Originally Posted by Kartoffelbrei
Is this a bad thing? Sounds like one,bein referred to as "one of 'those'" ..Only joined here this week, and I'm already thinking about leaving *sighHere are so many people that make me feel bad about who I am,and I don't think it's healthy for me to do so..I really try to be neutral and nice to everyone, but yay..doesn't really work.
First off, you are a sweetie pie so far, so just
CALM THE **** DOWN! I think that is where you are going wrong, you are super hyper even by internet standards, and I just don't know what to make of it... It freaks me out a little...
Smoke a joint and chill or something ****....
Don't go into threads, that are dick threads. What I mean is, if you get hurt easily, don't go into ban the user above you. Stick with Rate your avatar. Don't put yourself in a place where you are opening yourself up to being hurt. That's just silliness... Why jump in front of the bus, when you use the crosswalk?
Thirdly, you haven't been with us but more then 4 days or something, so you can't honestly think you know any of us. I mean you are doing everything right, trying to meet people, and get to know them, and seeing where you fit in. I respect that and I dig that, but don't take anything from anyone to heart, because you haven't had the time to establish
any sort of connection other then in passing.
I told you once, and I told you twice, now this is the last time I am gonna say it.
Lurk! it's the most helpful tool you have. See what's what. See whose where, see who you think you might like and who you think you won't. See which musical threads you are comfortable enough to comment in. Then post. Your English is outstanding brother, but sometimes, there are just cultural differences, that can not be conveyed unless, unless English is your mother tongue. It just is.
Nice to have you here, I hope you stay, just chill out.