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Old 03-12-2014, 03:56 AM   #3448 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by rostasi View Post
Thanks for the kind words. Yup, Paul's right!
In the 90's - ironically, on a non-music forum -
people would often ask each other what they
were listening to "these days" and people started
posting it as "N.P.:" followed by artist and title.

Over a dozen years ago, there were apps that
would integrate this with iTunes and this is what
I've used ever since (someone, last week, PM'ed
me here asking about this BTW). It's automatically
on when I'm actually listening to tunes and it's
added to emails as well. Funny, after 12+ years,
this is the first time anyone has ever said that they
had a problem with it (and extra weird that it would
happen on a music forum).

I think the "pretentious" label given to it is pretty
subjective and presupposes a lot that doesn't really exist.
It's not an attempt to wave the red flag of obscurity, but
just a piece of info that wouldn't be preternaturally
existent on a music forum post. I suppose that since
I now have a Last.FM sig., it's probably redundant
to have the "Now Playing" app running, so I'll probably
just stop displaying it here anyway...but that's the story
on the app.

best to all!

Now playing: Kylie Minogue - The Locomotion
I don't think it's pretentious at all for what its worth.

Also, nice track on this post. Talk about a counterexample.
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