I've been hitting a lot of dead ends in terms of new music, and this seems like the place for recommendations. Here's what I have on my Pandora station, to give people an idea of what I've been listening to lately:
Arctic Monkeys
Brendan Benson
The Black Keys
Broken Bells
Cage the Elephant
Franz Ferdinand
The Fratellis
The Good, the Bad, and the Queen
The Heavy
The Hold Steady
The Mars Volta
Portugal. The Man
Queens of the Stone Age
The Strokes
Jack White
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
You can assume that I'm familiar with an artist's former associations (e.g. Blur, The White Stripes). Any recommendations, preferably artists who are active today?
Last edited by The Ice Plant; 03-11-2014 at 11:08 PM.
Reason: clarity