Originally Posted by The Batlord
rostasi - I really don't know the dude/dudette, and I don't have any problems with him/her, but am I the only one who thinks their posting the song they're listening to, which is invariably something that I'm assuming is obscure, in every single post is totally pretentious?
You meat it would be better if he was listening to Kylie Minogue - The Locomotion?
(dunno why I thought of that example, I just did)
I think that's rostasi's personal style. I bet he's been doing something like that since the earliest days of the internet. Personally, I really like rostasi, he's always on topic, he's a fellow Firesign Theatre fan, and he's the only regular here who's a little older than me (I'm gonna guess no more than a year or two, based on last year's "How old are you?" thread) which is worth a few points in my eyes.