I love this film. What obviously killed it more was calling itself The Exorcist III, as opposed to just "Legion" which it was originally called. Which was based on the book of the same name by Blatty.
The studio wanted a different version of the film, wanted them to tack on the ending to cater to the fan base of the series and just called it used Exorcist III to sell it to the fans (after the dreadful second one).
I would love to see the movie Blatty intended, as opposed to the one they studios came in and ruined somewhat.
It is still a great movie, but had the film taken on the original idea, I think it would have been a much more gripping film.
I would recommend this film to horror fans who want a more intellectual kind of fright, as opposed to the more gory, slasher films. The true sequel to the original film, but more so than it should have been too.
This scene is just intense:
plus, f
uckin' Fabio, man..