Originally Posted by The Batlord
Check and mate.
Touché. I can't try that right now.. I need to rest my voice, it's cracking real bad when I sing just a tad bit high. It normally cracks aswell, but not this bad/quickly. I think I went a bit too far a while ago xD.
I hate how most songs are like way too ****ing high to sing.
I can barely sing wonder years/flatliners songs in their original tone, I ususally sing them lower whithout music. With music you NEED to sing in tone, or an octave lower, and an octave lower is boring as ****. Luckily I have singing lessons now, but my teacher said the songs I like to sing are not that good on your voice, so I shouldn't really try singing along in the right tone anyways, that really stresses my voice xD. I gotta learn how to ''breath support'' when singing from the diaphragm to not hurt my voice that bad. Damn you singing :c.