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Old 03-07-2014, 01:18 AM   #517 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ladyislingering View Post
The best part is the genius business model that the company built. Take in (almost) free stuff, make a hefty profit, share with people in need, pay their employees generously in both wages and super discounts.

This also enables the company to buy new product for Halloween and Christmas (they've got ties with wholesale vendors, and they even get huge amounts of sample products, which can also be turned over for a profit) - these are huge sellers when marketed properly. (Unfortunately the Halloween thing went down the tubes last year because of how poorly the whole plan was executed.)

We do take some losses, with shoplifters and accidents (stuff gets broken or ripped from mishandling) but the profits adequately outweigh the losses.
I don't mean to be hyper cynical but you just described another type of corporate posturing; and they get the benefit of attracting employees like yourself who want the comfort of feeling like you're helping heal the world. They want you to feel that way. Its definitely good that your company gives to the needy but it's still all about the bottom line. As for the employee benefits, how does getting a super discount on donated/sample products reflect on the company? Like you said, they already had the stuff for (almost) free.

Anyway, I don't mean to argue, you seem to recognize what I'm saying. I'm just long past the point of believing that real altruism exists in any corporation at its core. It's all just marketing strategy.
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