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Old 03-06-2014, 11:55 PM   #509 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
So today I go home, prepare to have a shower and hang my towel, and as I put the toilet seat down I see that someone's poo has been shoved up the lid inside the toilet. HOW THE **** DO YOU DO THAT? Seriously, do people **** upside down? I live in a boarding house and there are some real idiots here. Weeks prior my flatmate showed me that someone had taken a crap on the bathroom floor. I was disgusted.

I agree with you, people should not deliberately make a mess. Although I'm no angel, sometimes at the supermarket I decide that I don't want something and occasionally put it somewhere near me instead of where it belongs. It's definitely laziness I'll admit that. I do however tell my mom off when she does the same at a book store or video store. I hate seeing books and dvds in the wrong place it drives me crazy, and I don't even work there! I did work at a video for 4 years as a teenager so maybe that's why.
OMG that's horrifying! One of my managers was saying that this dude in one of our other stores squatted down and took a shit on the floor in the mens' room. People were coming and going and he just didn't care, he just went on pooping. I DON'T UNDERSTAND PEOPLE.

Watching people put stuff in random places when I'm shopping drives me up the damn wall, but when I'm at work, the rage buried deep in my soul, watching on as someone messes up a huge display I've spent a lot of time on ... well, I suppose it'll come out eventually (or I'll just get so wound up that I'll die unexpectedly).

At my store, the standard procedure for the purse/bag/wallet/backpack area (tiered racks of 3 levels, parallel to one another) is as follows:
  • tuck in straps/handles (if possible - when this doesn't work I usually take all of those hooligan bags and put them in one particular area)
  • sorted by size (top to bottom, smallest to largest) and held in place by cheap little clip hangers

with at least 200 purses to arrange and rearrange, it burns me up to no end when someone's reaching around me, or picking at things I've just set, dropping them on the floor or hanging them up by the handles or just making a huge goddamn mess for no reason.


Not only do I have to see to it that the purse area is looking good, but I'm also in charge of several aisles of shoes, as well as a long accessory wall (hats, belts, scarves, gloves, etc.) and fitting rooms.

Oh, lord, the fitting rooms .... *cries*
You and I,
We were born to die.
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