Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
And I say all this to say, that over my enlistment, I learned the most important thing I've ever learned... Just suck it up and drive on. Keep the personal feelings out of it, and just do the job. After all, you're there (or anywhere) for yourself, and you want to make it as painless as possible.
I don't mean to say just bend over. Well, in the military that's pretty much all you can do. But out in the real world, pick your battles. And if you're gonna make waves, make the ones that benefit you, not the ones that bring you down based on an inability to control your ego. A job is a job, but your life is the only one you got, so don't make it harder to live in.
Obviously this is not in the military but I feel like I can relate and am slowly learning that same lesson currently in my life. After about 5 years out of high school I am returning to school to get my BA degree. Many of my teachers have had issues with me for whatever reason and I take it personally and make a big issue out of it affecting my grade and experience in the class.
What my parents told me helps, just stfu and take whatever stupid rule or attitude they give you and look at the big picture which is getting that degree. Pick the battles you want to fight, and dont just pick every single one that will get in the way of what you are trying to accomplish.