Originally Posted by Ninetales
Well I meant if they're still in the cooler, but I guess it doesn't matter (yes they should be tossed if they're warm). Did you walk around the store looking for things out of place? That seems less productive than doing other things to me.
Also our department consistently had the highest health and safety rating. And our reps would always compliment us on how our backroom was the cleanest in the city. Grocery really isn't that hard to do competently in my mind.
I don't look for things that are out of place in my store because people are more than happy to throw 500 shoes in every direction, drop clothing everywhere and kick it under racks or hang it over racks meant for hats and belts... everything out of place sticks out very well, because people don't give a s
Don't even get me started on the days I've been tempted to stab people with broken hangers in the fitting rooms. Why the hell are they anchoring pant-loops to shirt hangers?? WHY ARE THEY USING PANTS HANGERS TO HANG SHIRTS?! WHY DO THEY JUST MISS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF A HANGER ALL TOGETHER?!
It's like hangers are some kind of mysterious force and they're so blown away by this foreign object that they're torn between throwing it on the floor and shoving it up their ass. Most of these people wouldn't know their ass from their heads if you gave them a three-way mirror.