Originally Posted by deric
I once had a girlfriend. She was a slut even called herself that. But for a time we loved each other and the sex was great! We were both married. That's the best way for an affair. She was 25 and I was 50. Sex and plenty of it she said. We did it indoors and out, many places. We explored each others bodies. We did anal sex once but it didn't really appeal to either of us. Lots of blow jobs! I still have her notes about meeting after work and what she'd do with me. Like 'your *** is so hot and creamy going down my throat. I like it. I love it I want more of it."
I just enjoyed her friendship too. I don't regret it. I never felt guilt about cheating. What is cheating? All is fair in love and war as the bard said. What I was afraid of was my marriage ending and the damage it would do to my son. Never happened though.
But then all must end and she went back to her husband but not before having sex with as many guys as she could. She wore this T shirt that said "I outlasted the Energizer Bunny". We worked at the same place and can you imagine the pain of having to see her with the other guys. Luckily the place closed. I went to see a psychologist. Time and distance is the only way he said. That contributed greatly to my heart attack I'm sure.
I still miss and think about how I enjoyed her company. Just chatting and the phone sex! She would come to my house in the AM after work and lay beside me as I was sleeping then wake me with kisses. It was a true obsession that took many months to pass.
Do you know what I mean by obsession? You absolutely cannot stop thinking about how to get her back. I mean not a break in the thought train unless I was asleep. My friend said I had an ashen and old man appearance then. He loved to hear my sex stories. I had scary and real visions of other dimensional creatures.
If she were to call I don't know if I could resist even knowing it would be like going back for seconds on rat poison.
All that said I have learned to value and love my wife for what she means to me.
Thx for listening. I had fun telling it.
I want to hear your sex stories!