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Old 03-05-2014, 09:41 AM   #26974 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
I feel like the hugest ******* in the world after work today. I was in a bad mood because I had to drive an hour to work on sketchy roads, almost crashed twice, and decided that meant I had to be a bitch to customers who called in. But I was stealthy about it; I made it sound like I was just being factual and trying to be nice, but no. I wasn't. I was deliberately being a douche.

The customers kept apologizing to me for being upset, all like, "Wow, I'm glad that you helped me with this, and I'm so sorry that I was mean to you; I was just mad at the situation."

But I feel like I was emotionally manipulating these poor people. I started off with, "We can't do this because you did this, blah blah blah," then was all, "Pay this, and I can get your phone back on today, and I can go ahead and just take the rest of the past due and set it on an arrangement."

It's my job, but that's not the way I normally go about it. I was deliberately giving them no after no, knowing that they'd be desperately seeking a solution to get their phone back on. When I 'reluctantly' would offer to restore for just a part of the past due, they jumped on it and acted like I had their back or something. I felt awful. I mean, yeah, I was giving them accurate information, and they do owe the money for service...but my methodology was very manipulative. I don't like the way that felt. I collected more money than anyone on the floor today, but I feel absolutely vile about it. I am usually top 5 easy without being a total bill-collecting sociopath, for want of a better term.

No, wait. That's the best and most accurate term.

To make matters worse, I got a 103.7% QA today, for going 'above and beyond' and convincing (manipulating) a customer into paying their full past due, when they told me they couldn't afford to pay their bill. That was the highest QA I've gotten in a few months; most of mine are a simple 100%. Goddammit.

Sounds like I could have used you when I went to court over unpaid property taxes.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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