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Old 03-03-2014, 11:19 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
I call it herstory
That's kind of cute.

Originally Posted by DoesntReallyMatter View Post
Give more respect to the women and girls around you?
Nailed it.

Also, if the word "feminism" makes you cringe because of things people have told you or whatever you've learned from seeing extremists, educate yourself on what feminism really means to decent people who care about equality and respect for all genders. That's one way.

This is a little off-topic but I get really happy and excited when someone notices the button of Rosie the Riveter (on my work lanyard/badge) because I fully believe that without the women who went to the factories (and did labor-intensive jobs, or just ... well, jobs in general that used to be "men only") during WWII, those gates would still be closed and many ladies wouldn't have the jobs that they do. I have an enormous, deep respect for my elders (specifically senior citizens) because men and women alike have fought for a lot of things we take for granted (like women being able to vote, own property, be CEOs of huge corporations, etc.).

Feminism (in its proper, actual form) is important for everyone.
Women's history is important for everyone.

(Though I'd be even happier if the wage gap were to finally close, and if women could finally have control over their bodies. I'd also be super happy if I never had to worry about getting jumped in dark places, or feel threatened by the behavior of a man, knowing that most people blame women for being assaulted instead of men for assaulting them.)
You and I,
We were born to die.
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