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Old 03-03-2014, 10:33 AM   #9 (permalink)
"The Messiah Complex"
DoesntReallyMatter's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 169

Chameleon, I'm using them last two. Definitely.
Love this place, ask and you shall receive. A very knowledgeable community.

Markvt14, nice, not sure if it's right for this mix but it's in the pipeworks.
Friend of a friend may (let me buy) a copy. 1 ยข.

So, it's all above board.

Welll, fellas I gotta get snappin on this mix...this 6th edition.
Appreciate the comments. I may post a few more times over the next hour or two.

Thanks again.
I leave with this:

Did you know George Clinton remixed this???

Anyways, I like the original. Kinda dark, not really 'uplifting' all. But, it's either this or DCD, etc.
OR, dance music, and I'm just going out on a limb that...maybe she at least dances in her room?

Not really, 'get your ass out of bed/your apartment/ home' and have fun' type material.
Maybe. 'm trying to get this 'mentally troubled' person out of bed and into having fun again?
But, I hardly know her. **** is deep. It's a challenge, and I've been making mixes for...20+ years.

Probably won't include NE in the final mix....just thought I'd throw it out there.
Helped me. It's really hard....making a mix for someone you know very little about.

Good lyrics, though.

Last edited by DoesntReallyMatter; 03-03-2014 at 10:39 AM.
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