Music Banter - View Single Post - Buying Vintage Sheet Music in Bulk??
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Old 08-02-2004, 06:10 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Lightbulb Buying Vintage Sheet Music in Bulk??


I have been reading this forum on and off for awhile now.. So here goes my first question. I was just surfing ebay the other day. I don't usually buy much on ebay because I find it hard to know who to trust, or what the quality will be, or in general it just seems like too much hassel. But yesterday I found this posting for 500+ titles of sheet music.. The poster admits that some pieces are in bad condition and that some are not actually sheet music but are in the form of magazines and such... The poster lists many of the titles, the list is huge! Do you think it is worth taking a chance on something like this?

I'm not a true collector, just a curious individual who loves old music...

Let me know what you think

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