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Old 03-01-2014, 12:18 AM   #3405 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
One of the people in my unit got beat the **** by some German locals to the point of getting chaptered out while I was in. Pretty sad. Dude couldn't even talk when I saw him as he was packing his **** up.

What happened to you?
I'd also like to know this.

Thank you. I did it for the college money, and luckily it was during peacetime. Desert Storm and the Berlin Wall came down right after I got out. I have a few friends that were still in during that ****storm, and survived.
You didn't miss anything fun after the twin towers fell, believe me. Unless you like being uncomfortably warm, full of sand and dodging mortars and rockets.

I also did it for opportunity. Turned out great for me.
I honestly owe my life to the military. I wouldn't be here without those 6 years. The kind of person I was, I just needed it. I applaud those who never did, but looking back, I feel like there's a lot a person can take away from the experience and use it to their benefit.

DJ, 3 years is a long enough time. I thank you for your service as well. It's unfortunate that you couldn't gung ho any longer than that. To ask a personal question, what's the most important thing, in your opinion, that you learned from the military, DJ?
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