Originally Posted by djchameleon
Also according to Freebase's earlier analysis being in the service for three years and getting hurt is considered dropping out. That's how long I was in the Navy.
One of the people in my unit got beat the **** by some German locals to the point of getting chaptered out while I was in. Pretty sad. Dude couldn't even talk when I saw him as he was packing his **** up.
What happened to you?
Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
Yep squids indeed. Honestly I thank anybody for their service of any branch, coming from a long list of Military family. You won't read it in a book you'll live it.
Thank you. I did it for the college money, and luckily it was during peacetime. Desert Storm and the Berlin Wall came down right after I got out. I have a few friends that were still in during that ****storm, and survived.
Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
But I think there's another tradition that states if you can't complete your own military service, you can't make fun of anyone else's. If not, there should be.