Originally Posted by butthead aka 216
technology is amazin, i remember wearin a mask in high school yrs ago when i broke my nose and the thing was so heavy and sweaty and terrible to wear. granted it was probably a $20 mask from a sportin goods store but those things suck.
as for the lakers i think you need to be able to run pick and rolls and gasol is a perfect guy to either pop for the jumper or roll to the rim. hes so talented and honestly gasol has never got the respect he deserves in l.a. hes been a workhorse and taken for granted big time.
what pisses me off about kobe and the lakers is when i watch a game and the ball always goes thru kobe late in the game. which is understandable but kobe will go back to the basket the majority of possessions then when they lose he never gets any blame. its always because nobody else could score or whatever. while he has a guy like gasol who is the most skilled big in the game sittin right there. pau is such a scapegoat for them
i tried to google and couldnt find an article talkin about what youre talkin about. i suspect you made the comment out to be worse than what they were and they werent that bad to begin with.
of course jordan would prefer kobe, its cause kobe has always been in love with mj and has completely copied everythin about his game. lebron is showin that you dont need to follow that format to be one of the all time greats.
MJ discusses how he would have guarded Lebron (I believe there is an article online because I read it not to long ago) and some reporter told Lebron what MJ had said and he made that response on tv.
I just feel like Lebron feels entitled and is disrespectful. I don't think that comment was necessary