Originally Posted by butthead aka 216
i think he coulda handled leavin cleveland differently but i will never understand the rabid hatred followin the decision. hes at the very top of the pop culture pyramid, he wasnt gonna hold a press conference in his garage about it. in hindsight he even said he woulda done that differently. but for the masses to crucify him so hard and for so long over that is completely mind bogglin to me. unless youre a cleveland fan i dont understand why its gotta be somethin to hold over someones head forever. ppl literalyl act like he killed someone
and then after that everythin was under a microscope. ppl like u can try ur hardest to take petty, small things out of context to make him look bad but at the end of the day you arent bein a realistic or reasonable person. like the "not 1, not 2, not 3...' thing.... it was a jokey thing at a heat pep rally event lol. and ppl took that sooooo seriously. funny how now its actualyl a possibility tho.
and look at you hangin on jordans nuts like everyone does. full disclosure i love jordan. hes the best to ever do it at least til lebron is done. i realize he represents more than just what he did on the court - he took the game global and that era can never be repeated. but jordan is a HUGE ******* and always has been. he still is... but you wanna make him perfect in the same way that you say i try to do that with lebron. so what gives?????
I just don't see why Lebron was trying to belittle MJ when MJ was not insulting him. I just think that is disrespectful.
But then again I don't think MJ cares that much for him because when people always asks what he thinks about Lebron and Kobe he always prefers Kobe.